Delta Life Skillssm Presents Integral Energy Psychology

Emotional Freedom Is in your hands with Emotional Freedom Processes (EFP)sm

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Janet Nestor (JN) and Phillip Warren (PW) Presentation (2004 April 24) at the Energy Kinesiology Association Conference, Baltimore, MD: "The Bridge between East and West."

Contents of the 52 minute CD: Description of the Radiant Energies Balance (REB) protocol (PW); Description of a case and playing a tape excerpts from case (JN); Use of the REB posture (JN); Practice with the Self Help version (JN & PW). CD available for $5.00 including postage and handling for North America. P & H is extra for non North American destinations.  Note: We need a mailing address to mail you the CD.


$10.00. Part Two: Radiant Energies Balance (REB)sm Protocol Instructions (~20pp); (for contents, see "Detailed Table of Contents of REB papers")


$25.00 as EBook: "CHOOSING TO BECOME AN EX SMOKER:" 64 pages of state of the art ideas and methods to stop smoking.

Table of contents:1. History and Initial Assessment, 2. Introduction, 3. How To Boost Your Chances For Success, 4. Advantages of Becoming an Ex-Smoker, 5. The Benefits of Smoking, 6. Avoiding Weight Gain, 7. Overcoming the Psychological Addiction, 8. PsychoEnergetic/Polarity Reversal, Self-Sabotage, Neurologic Disorganization, and Other Nasty Things, 9. The Basis of This Approach to Becoming an Ex-Smoker and Why It Works so Fast and Completely, 10. Quitting: The Plan, 11. Choosing to be an Ex-Smoker, 12. Radiant Energies Balance Protocol (REB), 13. Client Information: General Instructions and Description for the Integral Energy/Information Psychotherapy Procedures, 14. Corrections for Neurologic Disorganization, Over Energy and Switching: A Bodymind Tune-Up, 15. First Aid for Psychophysiological Stress, 15.1. Drink some Cool Water and hold it in your mouth for maximum benefit, 15.2. a. Hold the Stress Release Points (SRP) and Frontal/Occipital (FO) Holding, 15.2. b. SRP and Triple Warmer holding, 15.2. c. Left SRP Holding and Right Nostril Breathing, 15.3. a. Deep Breathing Through the Nose and , 15.3. b. Polarized (Alternate Nostril) Breathing, 15.4. Use the Emotional Finger Position to get at a Deeper Level of Emotion, 15.5. Do a variety of Eye Movements, 15.6. Eye Movements While Calming the Triple Warmer, 15.7. Tracing Behind the Ears for Calming the Triple Warmer, 15.8. Crown Point Stimulation,15.9. Floor to ceiling Eye Roll, 15.10. The Freeze Frame procedure, 16. Imagination Enhancement Technique, 17. Image-Streaming: The quick and easy guide to the practice, 18. Abbreviation and Location Description of Points and Spots, 19. Integral Energy/Information Psychotherapy Procedures Record, 20. Suggested Physical Exercises, 21. References


$10.00. Have a Good Life (Unless You Have Other Plans): Simple Natural Bio-Destressing Activities You Can Use (~15pp): Contents of the two sections are:

Corrections for Neurological Disorganization, Over Energy and Switching: A BodyMind Tune-Up: including instructions for the following: Drinking water and deep abdominal breathing; Creating an anchor or trigger; keeping your tongue on the roof of your mouth; Corrections for psychoenergetic reversal; "Collar bone breathing"; "Quick fix:" A 3D electromagnetic balance; Cross crawl; Bodymind control centers balance; "Three thumps"; "Crown pull"; Integration metaphor; Lazy eights for eyes and ears; Abbreviation and Location Description Of Points with pictures).

First Aid for PsychoPhysiological Stress: including instructions on the following: 1.Drink some Cool Water and hold it in your mouth for maximum benefit; 2.a. Hold the Stress Release Points (SRP) and Frontal/Occipital (FO) Holding; 2.b. SRP and Triple Warmer Holding; 2.c. Left SRP Holding and Right Nostril Breathing; 3.a. Deep Breathing Through the Nose; 3.b. Polarized (Alternate Nostril) Breathing; 4. Use the Emotional Finger Position to get at a Deeper Level of Emotion; 5. Do a variety of Eye Movements; 6. Eye Movements While Calming the Triple Warmer; 7. Tracing Behind the Ears for Calming the Triple Warmer; 8. Crown Point Stimulation; 9. Floor to Ceiling Eye Roll; 10. The Freeze Frame procedure; 11. Assume the Radiant Energies Balance Posture (Triple Warmer/Spleen/Central/Governing Meridians); 12. The Cooks' Hook-Up Position.


$20.00. Instructions for the Emotional Freedom Processes (EFPs)sm (~70 pp): Includes basic introductory instructions for the following: General Instructions for the Emotional Freedom Processes - EFPs; Self-Sabotage, Psychoenergetic Reversal, Neurologic Disorganization, and Other Nasty Things; Carrington & Sutherland: The Use Of "Choices" Wording For Affirmations; Gallo: The Healing Energy Light Process (HELP); Techniques Derived from Callahan's Thought Field Therapy; Some Basic Formulas/Algorithms to Try Based on Clinical Experience; The Omni-Meridian Formula (OMF): Nims: BE SET FREE FAST (BSFF); Beck: Rapidly Integrated Transformation Technique (RITT); Rothman: Whole Life Healing - WLH - Formula for Yourself; Gallo: Negative Affect Erasing Method (NAEM); Tapas Acupressure Technique (TAT); Temporal Tapping; Imagination Enhancement Technique and Optimizing Performance; Rothman: Whole Life Healing - WLH - Positive Energy Therapy (PET) to Install Desired Beliefs/States/Outcomes; HeartMath: Freeze Frame Procedure; Instant Help; Abbreviation and Location Description Of Points with pictures.


$50.00. for all 4 manuals/papers ordered at the same time for on line delivery.

Creative Commons License
All Radiant Energies Balance protocol and other documents by Phillip W. Warren is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0 Unported License.
Based on a work at

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